Just a super quick post to link up my proposed finishes for quarter 4 of the 2019 finish-along. This quarter I'm keeping is more realistic and aiming to finish 9 projects.
Top left: My Little Miss Sawtooth QAL I'm participating in at the moment
Top middle: My CF version of the Free Wheeling Single Girl quit (another QAL I'm participating in)
Top right: My DS version of the FWSG
Middle left: My Kinship Fusion Samper quilt
Centre: A bright version of the Rainbow Popsicle quilt I'm testing for Jemima of Tied With a Ribbon
Middle right: A pastel version of the Rainbow Popsicle quilt
Bottom left: Origami quilt I'm testing for Alyce of Blossom Heart Quilts
Bottom middle: Double star quilt - my bee project from last year
Bottom right: My Icecream Soda quilt
Great list Kat! Some big projects there to finish - good luck