Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Quilting in the grid

This year my quilting goals involve trying lots of new things. I dedicated 2018 to finishing off lots of WIPs, so this year I'm allowing myself to experiment with new things, such as FMQ designs and sewing with solids.

At the start of the year I signed up for an annual subscription to bluprint because I quite like learning through online classes. The first class I watched was Christina Camelli's grid quilting class. It was awesome and inspired me to try some new FMQ designs.

At first I wasn't sure what to do with the quilted practice panels, but I had a light-bulb moment while looking at furnishings in IKEA and thought I'd turn then into decorative pillows.

The third panel was a bit too small for a pillow so I used it to make a banner to hold my sewing pins. The diamond grid was perfect for creating the shape at the bottom of the banner.

I'm linking up with Q1 of the 2019 Finish-along, as making something with these panels was one of my proposed finishes for this quarter. I look forward to trying some more designs next time I feel inspired to practice my FMQ.


1 comment:

  1. Oh that banner is an inspired idea! Your quilting is lovely and the projects you've made with it are really gorgeous.
